The Northwest Forest Plan was implemented in 1994 and is an overarching guidance document for the Siuslaw and 16 other national forests, and now, 30 years later, it is undergoing amendment.
Changes to this plan could have serious impacts on our local forest– the Siuslaw National Forest. The original plan created protections for endangered species after years of heavy logging in the 1980s.
Specifically, the US Forest Service may be preparing to log more lands in the Siuslaw National Forest, potentially including mature and old growth trees.
There is a 90 day comment period on changes to this plan, which ends in mid October. This link will take you to the USFS page where you can sign up for email and newsletter updates, and learn about how you can make public comments. https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/r6/landmanagement/planning/?cid=fseprd1172301
Also, the Coast Range Association is conducting a grassroots citizens campaign to document areas in the Siuslaw National Forest which have mature and old growth trees. To learn more, and get participation support, please visit the Coast Range Association at https://coastrange.org